Thursday, December 22, 2011


For the past few months I've started to get annoyed when someone calls someone else an animal. (Είσαι ζώο κτλ). Animals are not and will never be capable of doing the shit we do to each other and the place we live in. My belief is that in many ways we are far inferior to animals and not as superior as we think we are.
We have one gift over them, our brains, which we mainly use to fuck things up than to find ways to make things better for everyone and everything around us. Power is the drug, power is what most think matters. Surrounded by armies and technology, swimming in money...that's not power. That is a false sense of power, an illusion, only viable in human societies.
If we put you in the jungle with nothing, we'll then see how powerful you really are...tiny, stupid, evil, puny human. I spit on you.

I don't want to be misunderstood. Not all of us are the same. They are those among us who make the difference. If only we would follow them and not the glamorous, shinny saviors...or is it vampires?

Monday, November 14, 2011

A friend said...

Πάλι ξεφυσάς ψυχή μου
Στα βουνά θέλεις ν' ανέβεις
Όμως θα στραβοπατήσεις
Και θα γκρεμοτσακιστείς

Όποιο ψέμα κι αν ακούσεις
Ξεδιπλώνεις τα φτερά
Ετοιμάζεις τις βαλίτσες
Και μου γνέφεις σιωπηλά..


Friday, November 11, 2011


Let's go for A Walk, into a Forest, listen to Other Voices
and see a man Killing an Arab at 10:15 Saturday Night
because he wouldn't be a Play For Today for Seventeen
Seconds after One Hundred Years.
But he didn't cry because Boys Don't Cry Inbetween Days
but only in the Hanging Garden At Night and then they're
Jumping Someone Else's Train to see the Siamese Twins
sing a Lovesong and a Lullaby that has been written on
the walls of Fascination Street...


Πιστεύω πως ήρθε η ώρα να μπούμε στην κατηγορία της χαράς.
Πιστεύω πως ήρθε η ώρα να βγούμε από την απομόνωση.
Έχοντας ένα παιδί να μας λεεί:
"Αυτός είναι ο δρόμος, περάστε μέσα
ακούστε το ραδιόφωνο και χορέψτε στους ρυθμούς του
κάνοντας την καρδιά και την ψυχή σας ένα
έστω και για μόνο 24 ώρες, γιατί αυτες τις μέρες
η αγάπη κομματιάζει, καθηλώνει και όμως...
μας φέρνει πιο κοντά, με μια περίεργη έλξη
που μας γεμίζει εμπιστοσύνη....
Εμπιστοσύνη για μια καινούργια αυγή
η οποία ξεθωριάζει παίρνωντας τη ζωή
ενός εικοσιτριάχρονου ποιητή μαζί της...
για πάντα...

By The Moment

Maybe it would all be better if I started living by the moment....
Then again, I wouldn't have something to look forward to....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

After the last solar eclipse..

Kiss my lips I heard you say
Taste the love that fades away
In your arms that never lie
You showed me way that I would die...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Without a name...

What happened you'll ask and I'll say nothing....
That's the problem, nothing ever happens, nothing ever changes except what has no soul.
I'll tell you not to worry yourself's the steam...the steam that needs to be released, cause just gets to me...


You will not find perfection...not in this lifetime. Perfection is obsession, complexion of the mind.

Come, Reap

Once you said...

However gentle, amazing, smart, loving, unselfish or touching, your words might have once been, if they changed nothing, then they don't really matter, do they?
They were for nothing...

Was I right or wrong?

Σε μια ζωή όπου όλα έιναι έλευθερα προς ερμηνεία με βάση τα αποθημένα, τα ψυχολογικά, τα κόμπλεξ και τον εγωισμό του καθενός, δεν μπορούμε να μιλάμε ούτε για ηθικές, ούτε για ανιδιοτέλεια, ούτε για δίκιο, αλήθεια, αγάπη και συνεπώς σωστό ή λάθος...